Introducing the NEW stunning Twilight Sparkle - a luxe and wild bouquet that is sure to captivate and impress. This bouquet is created with the most finest selection of premium flowers, including Solidago, Sweet Unique Roses, Blue Mum Flower, Alstromeria, Lisianthus. wax flowers, carnations bring a bold and striking element to the bouquet with their unique shape and vibrant hues, while the Twilight Sparkle add a classic touch of elegance with their soft, delicate petals and romantic pink roses. The green berries Flower, also known as the hypericum berries, brings a touch of wildness to the arrangement with its pearl-like shape and vibrant green shades. Finally, the white ceramic pot and the diamond zirconia sparkle adds a touch of sophistication to the bouquet.
Touch their heart and add a smile to their day!